Sunday services includes a special children’s message, a meditation and Holy Communion.
You have the choice of taking an * “All in One” Communion Cup, please keep this sealed until the appropriate time in the service, or you may receive bread from the pastor
and wine from individual cups. *Gluten free wafers and grape juice are available.
We welcome you to participate in the Congregational responses and singing of the hymns.
**If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, are feeling ill, or have a temperature, we expect that you will not attend worship until these symptoms dissipate. If you have been exposed to COVID, please do not worship until you have honored the appropriate 14 days quarantine time.**
Let the Children Come
We invite the children into our worship space. It is important to have their voices, words, movement, and energy as they are an important part of the body of Christ!
Each week we incorporate a Children's Message into the service.
We welcome everyone to the table of the Lord in Holy Communion. Children will receive a blessing, unless they have completed their first communion classes or communed elsewhere before.
*We offer classes (for kids of all ages!) to better understand this amazing gift of love and forgiveness.
*Communion classes on hold at this time.
Baptism is a gift from God to humankind. It is God acting through the Holy Spirit to unite us to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. In these “living waters”, the Holy Spirit enters us, our sins are forgiven, we have a place in God’s kingdom now and forever, and we have a calling to follow Jesus and make the world a better place.
Baptism is not a one-time thing, but an all-time thing! It is something to celebrate during worship as we receive the newly baptized as fellow members of God’s amazing family. If you have questions about baptism, you can call or send an email to stmelc@bellsouth.net.
We believe in the power of prayer.
If you would like us to pray for you, please leave a prayer request (found in the chair pockets in the worship space) in the offering plate or in the Prayer Request Box located near the entrance to the Worship Center.
Or, you can email your prayer request directly to stmelc@bellsouth.net. You do not need to be a member to be in our hearts and on our prayer list!